Post Adjutant

Mike Crader

 Among the duties of the Post Adjutant, the Adjutant shall:
(Per 2017 VFW Congressional Charter By-Laws)
  1. Be the official corresponding officer for the Post and shall attest to all official communications and reports with their signatures.
  2. Under the direction of the Commander, prepare all reports and returns required of the Adjutant.
  3. Maintain the books and records in a legible and uniform format. record keeping by electronic means may be used, provide a back-up is maintained. Books and records shall be available for inspection by authorized officers and Post members at all reasonable times. Unless specifically authorized by the Post to remove such books and records from its facilities, they will be kept at the Post facilities.
  4. The Post Adjutant shall maintain the following records:
    1. A copy of the original application of every member admitted to the Post.
    2. Minutes of each Post meeting after correction and approval.
    3. All current orders or circulars issued by the Commander-in-Chief, the National Council of Administration, the Department Commander, the District and/or County Council Commander (if applicable) and the Post Commander.
    4. A correspondence file.
    5. A file containing a copy of the proof of eligibility submitted by officers pursuant of Section 216.
  5. Maintain a current copy of the By-Laws, Manual of Procedure and Ritual of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and copies of the By-Laws of the Post, Department, District and County Council (if applicable).
  6. Transfer to their successor, without delay, all books, papers, records, monies and other records and property of the Post in their possession or under their control.
  7. Comply with and perform all duties required of the Adjutant by the laws and usages of this organization, applicable By-Laws and orders from lawful authority and perform such other duties as are incident to such office.
Post Adjutant Guide